Нова весела карткова гра, яка поєднує в собі прості правила та захопливу ігрову стратегію,
Vege Tables - це гра, яка підходить для всіх від 10 до 99 років.
Облаштуйте свою ділянку та посадіть насіння. Спостерігайте, як ваше насіння проростає, перетворюючись на рослини, а потім нарешті перетворюється на смачні фрукти та овочі!
Хто перший виконає завдання? Чи зможете ви заважати або навіть блокувати роботу суперника? Використовуйте вміло "Трактор" і станете переможцем!
Тут ви можете зіграти в шахову версію для двох гравців, турнірні варіанти.
Vege Tables - це математична гра з дуже простими правилами, але стати вправним гравцем не так просто...
Кількість гравців: 2
Тривалість гри: 15 mn
Складність: 3 / 5
Грати VEGEtables та 1003 інших ігор онлайн.
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З вашими друзями й тисячами гравців з усього світу.
Грати VEGEtables та 1003 інших ігор онлайн.
Нічого не треба завантажувати, грайте безпосередньо з вашого браузера.
З вашими друзями й тисячами гравців з усього світу.
Огляд правил
Goal of the game: run out of cards and gain the highest score
Each player starts with 20 cards: 8 of them (the “Grounds”) visible to both players, and 12 cards (the “Hand”, with white back) that the opponent can’t see
On the screen there are also four “Silos”: whenever you play a “Ground” card, you MUST take one card from the Silos. The free cards are those completely visible.
On the screen there are also two “Wells” (a third will be discovered when one of the first two ends). There are two ways to access the cards in the “Wells”: 1. When you have LESS than 12 cards in the Hand, you CAN take from the “Wells”. If you make this choose MUST take as many cards are needed to return to 12 cards in the Hand. 2. When you have LESS than 8 cards in the Hand, you MUST take from the “Wells” as many cards are needed to return to 8 cards in the Hand. And, if you want, you can also return to 12, as described above.
To play a card, simply click on it and the software will put it on the board.
On your turn you can play all the cards you want, but at least ONE is mandatory. The cards are played in a numerical sequence in “step-four”: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17 or 2, 6, 10, 14, 18 or 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 or 4, 8, 12, 16, 20.
Here an example: The player who played the LAST card of the sequence gains 10 points. A bonus of 30 points is given when a player “closes” a line of cards of the same color. There are also 5 Jokers (the Tractor) for each player. One Joker is immediately available at the start of the game. The other can be collected when a player plays the “Grounds”: two when played the 4th, the last two when all “Grounds” are used. The Tractors can be used in two ways: 1. in place of a card held by your opponent 2. discarding it (e.g.: because you have no other cards to play) When you pick up a Tractor you’ll see that the software gives you the opportunity to play cards that need a Joker to be played and then a confirmation message will be displayed.
If you run out of cards, you gain 10 points for each cultivation not completed. This means, often, a victory, but is depending on the score previously accumulated.
If a player can’t make any moves, the game ends and the opponent scores 10 points for each cultivation not completed.