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Table configuration

Game mode
Normal mode
Game speed
Turn-based • Fixed time limit
Time allotted to each player
7 days
Playing hours
24 hours a day (no playing hours)
Rule set
- Get 63 points in the upper section to get 35 bonus points
- Three of a kind scores the sum of all dice
- Four of a kind scores the sum of all dice
- Full house scores 25 points
- Small straight scores 30 points
- Large straight scores 40 points
- Five of a kind scores 50 points. Each extra Five of a kind scores 100 bonus points
- A five of a kind can be used to score Full house, Small straight, or Large straight when Five of a kind box and the corresponding upper section box have been filled already
- Chance scores the sum of all dice
Simultaneous mode
Triple mode

1 min

average waiting time

Game result

Mangia (Bug reporter) [creator]
248 (0)
+12   ->  

Dragonheartjes (Bug reporter) [creator]
235 (0)
-12   ->  


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Game duration
Players' average level
Average score
Game result 1st (248)2nd (235)
Thinking time masked minmasked min
Upper section points (Yahtzee) maskedmasked
Upper section bonus (Yahtzee) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Yahtzee) maskedmasked
Extra Yahtzee bonus maskedmasked
Upper section points (Yam) maskedmasked
Upper section bonus (Yam) maskedmasked
Middle section points (Yam) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Yam) maskedmasked
Upper section points (Yacht) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Yacht) maskedmasked
Upper section points (Yatzy) maskedmasked
Upper section bonus (Yatzy) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Yatzy) maskedmasked
Upper section points (Maxi Yatzy) maskedmasked
Upper section bonus (Maxi Yatzy) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Maxi Yatzy) maskedmasked
Upper section points (Crag) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Crag) maskedmasked
Upper section points (Yahtzee, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Upper section bonus (Yahtzee, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Yahtzee, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Extra Yahtzee bonus (Triple mode) maskedmasked
Upper section points (Yam, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Upper section bonus (Yam, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Middle section points (Yam, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Yam, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Upper section points (Yacht, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Yacht, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Upper section points (Yatzy, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Upper section bonus (Yatzy, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Yatzy, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Upper section points (Maxi Yatzy, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Upper section bonus (Maxi Yatzy, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Maxi Yatzy, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Upper section points (Crag, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Lower section points (Crag, Triple mode) maskedmasked
Boxes scored 0 points maskedmasked
Rolled 1s maskedmasked
Rolled 2s maskedmasked
Rolled 3s maskedmasked
Rolled 4s maskedmasked
Rolled 5s maskedmasked
Rolled 6s maskedmasked
Number of dice rerolled maskedmasked
Number of failed rerolls maskedmasked
All stats
Mangia's statistics at this game
Dragonheartjes's statistics at this game

Table configuration

Game mode
Normal mode
Game speed
Turn-based • Fixed time limit
+0:00 per turn (maximum 0:00)
Time allotted to each player
7 days
Playing hours
24 hours a day (no playing hours)
Rule set
- Get 63 points in the upper section to get 35 bonus points
- Three of a kind scores the sum of all dice
- Four of a kind scores the sum of all dice
- Full house scores 25 points
- Small straight scores 30 points
- Large straight scores 40 points
- Five of a kind scores 50 points. Each extra Five of a kind scores 100 bonus points
- A five of a kind can be used to score Full house, Small straight, or Large straight when Five of a kind box and the corresponding upper section box have been filled already
- Chance scores the sum of all dice
Simultaneous mode
Triple mode

Players around this table now

Game info

How to play?

Published by :

Developed by :

Pierre-Cédric Thomart (PC23), A-dam, ufm

Release :


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