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Конфігурація стола

Режим гри
Нормальний режим
Швидкість гри
Наживо • Нормально
Rule set
Table creator can customize variant options.
Base score unit
Scores are rounded to 10.
First trick meld allowed
The declarer may meld before playing the first trick.
Forfeit limit
Up to 2 forfeits per player
After picking up the kitty, the declarer may forfeit the round.
Forfeit is allowed up to twice during the entire game.
When a player forfeits for the second time, each opponent scores 60 points (120 points in 2-player).
0-point round penalty
Non-declarers with 300/800 in 500/1000-point game or more points cannot score points.
Lower minimum bid
The first player to bid must bid at least 40 points.
Target score
Skip uneventful final tricks

10 хв

середній час очікування

Результати гри

Конфігурація стола

Режим гри
Нормальний режим
Швидкість гри
Наживо • Нормально
+ 0:40 за хід (максимум 3:00)
Rule set
Table creator can customize variant options.
Base score unit
Scores are rounded to 10.
First trick meld allowed
The declarer may meld before playing the first trick.
Forfeit limit
Up to 2 forfeits per player
After picking up the kitty, the declarer may forfeit the round.
Forfeit is allowed up to twice during the entire game.
When a player forfeits for the second time, each opponent scores 60 points (120 points in 2-player).
0-point round penalty
Non-declarers with 300/800 in 500/1000-point game or more points cannot score points.
Lower minimum bid
The first player to bid must bid at least 40 points.
Target score
Skip uneventful final tricks

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