Lines of Action
Lines of Action — це проста гра, яка використовує шашки та фігури. Її правила були опубліковані в книзі Сіда Саксона «Гамма ігор». Однак є деякі комерційні версії. Мета LoA — об’єднати всі ваші фігури в єдину пов’язану групу. Група фігур є пов’язаною, якщо вони займають безперервний ланцюг суміжних проміжків по горизонталі, вертикалі чи діагоналі.
Кількість гравців: 2
Тривалість гри: 11 mn
Складність: 3 / 5
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Огляд правил
For tips on how to play Lines of Action, see Tips_LinesOfAction
The object of the game is to connect all of one's pieces together into a contiguous body so that they are connected vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Here is an example winning move.
- Players alternate moves, with Red having the first move.
- Pieces move in a line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
- A piece moves exactly as many spaces as there are pieces (both friendly and enemy) on the line in which it is moving.
A piece may not jump over an enemy piece
White cannot play a6-d6, even though there are three pieces in row 6. White might instead play a6-c4, moving two spaces because there are two pieces in the diagonal (a6-f1).
A piece may jump over friendly pieces
Red may continue with e8-b5, jumping their own piece. It moves three spaces because there are three pieces in the diagonal (a4-e8).
A player who is reduced to a single piece wins the game, because their pieces are by definition united.
If a move results, due to a capture, in each player having all their pieces in a contiguous body, then either the player moving wins, or the game is a draw, depending on the rules in force.