#9903: "Annoying check for bad language"
Що трапилося? Будь ласка, виберіть нижче
Що трапилося? Будь ласка, виберіть нижче
Будь ласка, перевірте, чи вже є звіт на цю тему
Якщо це так, будь ласка, ПРОГОЛОСУЙТЕ за цей звіт. Звіти з найбільшою кількістю голосів розглядатимуть У ПЕРШУ ЧЕРГУ!
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• Будь ласка, скопіюйте/вставте повідомлення про помилку, якщо ви бачите якесь на своєму екрані.
Insult? Aggressive attitude? Please do not respond or you will be moderated too. Block this player (thumb down) and report him/her to moderators.• Будь ласка, опишіть, що ви намагалися зробити, що зробили, та що трапилось
Whenever I use the common Swedish word "s l u t" , I get a warning for using offensive language. This happens every day on BGA. No big deal, but quite annoying. Maybe a good idea to stop checking language in chats between friends? I guess that english is used in almost all games when you play with people you don´t know. A more complicated way is some language recognition, but maybe it is not worth the effort. Or just remove the check for bad language?• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v66
• Будь ласка, скопіюйте/вставте текст відображений англійською замість вашої мови. Якщо ви маєте знімок екрана з помилкою (рекомендована практика), то можете використати Imgur.com, щоб завантажити його, та скопіювати посилання на нього сюди.
Insult? Aggressive attitude? Please do not respond or you will be moderated too. Block this player (thumb down) and report him/her to moderators.• Чи цей текст доступний у системі перекладів? Якщо так, то чи перекладали його понад 24 години тому?
Whenever I use the common Swedish word "s l u t" , I get a warning for using offensive language. This happens every day on BGA. No big deal, but quite annoying. Maybe a good idea to stop checking language in chats between friends? I guess that english is used in almost all games when you play with people you don´t know. A more complicated way is some language recognition, but maybe it is not worth the effort. Or just remove the check for bad language?• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v66
• Будь ласка, поясніть вашу пропозицію точно й лаконічно, щоб було якомога легше зрозуміти, що ви маєте на увазі.
Insult? Aggressive attitude? Please do not respond or you will be moderated too. Block this player (thumb down) and report him/her to moderators.• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v66
• Що було на екрані до того, як ваша гра заблокувалася (Порожній екран? Частина ігрового інтерфейсу? Повідомлення про помилку?)
Insult? Aggressive attitude? Please do not respond or you will be moderated too. Block this player (thumb down) and report him/her to moderators.• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v66
• Які саме правила були порушені адаптацією гри на BGA
Insult? Aggressive attitude? Please do not respond or you will be moderated too. Block this player (thumb down) and report him/her to moderators.• Чи видні порушення правил на повторі гри? Якщо так, на якому кроці?
Whenever I use the common Swedish word "s l u t" , I get a warning for using offensive language. This happens every day on BGA. No big deal, but quite annoying. Maybe a good idea to stop checking language in chats between friends? I guess that english is used in almost all games when you play with people you don´t know. A more complicated way is some language recognition, but maybe it is not worth the effort. Or just remove the check for bad language?• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v66
• Яку ігрову дію ви намагалися виконати?
Insult? Aggressive attitude? Please do not respond or you will be moderated too. Block this player (thumb down) and report him/her to moderators.• Що ви намагались зробити, щоб активувати цю ігрову дію?
Whenever I use the common Swedish word "s l u t" , I get a warning for using offensive language. This happens every day on BGA. No big deal, but quite annoying. Maybe a good idea to stop checking language in chats between friends? I guess that english is used in almost all games when you play with people you don´t know. A more complicated way is some language recognition, but maybe it is not worth the effort. Or just remove the check for bad language?• Що сталося, коли Ви намагалися виконати цю дію (текст помилки, статус на панелі повідомлень, ...)?
• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v66
• На якому етапі гри виникла проблема (яка була на той момент вказівка в грі)?
Insult? Aggressive attitude? Please do not respond or you will be moderated too. Block this player (thumb down) and report him/her to moderators.• Що стається, коли ви намагаєтесь зробити ігрову дію (повідомлення про помилку, повідомлення на панелі статусу гри і т.п.)?
Whenever I use the common Swedish word "s l u t" , I get a warning for using offensive language. This happens every day on BGA. No big deal, but quite annoying. Maybe a good idea to stop checking language in chats between friends? I guess that english is used in almost all games when you play with people you don´t know. A more complicated way is some language recognition, but maybe it is not worth the effort. Or just remove the check for bad language?• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v66
• Будь ласка, опишіть візуальну помилку. Якщо ви маєте знімок екрана з помилкою (рекомендована практика), то можете використати Imgur.com, щоб завантажити його, та скопіювати посилання на нього сюди.
Insult? Aggressive attitude? Please do not respond or you will be moderated too. Block this player (thumb down) and report him/her to moderators.• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v66
• Будь ласка, скопіюйте/вставте текст відображений англійською замість вашої мови. Якщо ви маєте знімок екрана з помилкою (рекомендована практика), то можете використати Imgur.com, щоб завантажити його, та скопіювати посилання на нього сюди.
Insult? Aggressive attitude? Please do not respond or you will be moderated too. Block this player (thumb down) and report him/her to moderators.• Чи цей текст доступний у системі перекладів? Якщо так, то чи перекладали його понад 24 години тому?
Whenever I use the common Swedish word "s l u t" , I get a warning for using offensive language. This happens every day on BGA. No big deal, but quite annoying. Maybe a good idea to stop checking language in chats between friends? I guess that english is used in almost all games when you play with people you don´t know. A more complicated way is some language recognition, but maybe it is not worth the effort. Or just remove the check for bad language?• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v66
• Будь ласка, поясніть вашу пропозицію точно й лаконічно, щоб було якомога легше зрозуміти, що ви маєте на увазі.
Insult? Aggressive attitude? Please do not respond or you will be moderated too. Block this player (thumb down) and report him/her to moderators.• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v66
Історія звітів
One easy improvement would be to change the message to something like: 'If you believe this player has used offensive or aggressive language, you can report him to a moderator" (add link). Rather than assuming that's what has happened.
And maybe try to improve and make less simplistic how it picks up insults etc in the first place.
I could see where this would get annoying, and someone just posted on the forums about it too. The thing I don't really like is having the system "spying" on my chat. It seems it should be up to the other player(s) to decide if it bothers them and report you.
Likewise the word "Bra" in swedish means "Good" in english.
Have also got a warning...It's hard to be swedish.
I expose that:
1.- On September 4, 2019 at 19:11, I received a warning without penalty from BGA, because according to its privacy policy, my username was not appropriate.
2.- On September 4, 2019 at 19:49, I sent an email to contact@boardgamearena.com where I ask what is the reason for my sanction.
Attached mail sent
"Apparently my username is inappropriate for BGA. what's wrong with my name? it's just my name and my birthdate: adolf889 "
Without finding a bigger problem, and since there was an error in the attached link, en.boardgamearena.com/doc/moderationpolicyProject-Id-Version; I waited for at least one explanatory answer.
3.- On September 4, 2019, hours later, I sent an email to the platform, denouncing what had happened in a chat of a 7wonders game, in which a user had insulted me, insinuating that, according to my username , I was a "hitler fan", describing myself as "authentic Nazi" and asking the rest of the players to support him in my expulsion from the game.
4.- After 48 hours, I have not received any response from the moderators, nor to my question about the inappropriateness of my username, or to the verbal aggression suffered during the chat (notified on the platform, to which I currently don't have access).
5.- On September 7, 2019, at 2:44 a.m., I received an email, in which I was notified that I had been permanently banned. Attached message:
"Didn't change their username within the allotted time despite being online."
For all the above, I request that:
1.- The platform interface is reviewed and the moderation policy visualization is possible.
2.- the reasons for sanction are reviewed. Obviously Adolf / Adolfo / Adolphe is a common name in many Latin-speaking countries, and I have never had any problem in each of the countries I have visited by direct political association. It seems to me something completely absurd, inconvenient, uncomfortable and humiliating.
3.- My expulsion case will be duly reviewed.
I await an answer.
I find it humiliating that in 2019, there is still a direct partnership between my name and the second world war
The current message is quite aggressive in itself. It could be adjusted so that people can take action if they find something that has been said offensive.
And the only times I have seen this happen, has been when people have made a comment about their own play/mistakes, so very unlikely to be offensive to another.
Instead of having angry automated messages, why not ******* words for the people who choose not to see these words (choice in settings).
I agree with several people here that chat between friends should not be checked for this. If someone is offended they can first remove the person from their friend list.
I especially like the suggestion by ystwyth (immediately before me) to create options for levels of filtering, and to replace potentially offending words with **** etc, or even something that can be clicked to reveal what was said. Also, then it wouldn't matter if the person is a friend on BGA or not.
It is still useful to have a function within the chat window to immediately report a problem (it seems much harder to report later), but it should be smaller and to the side or somehow less obnoxious than it is now (when not wanted).
Words « retard » (meaning late or behind) and « Fanny » (meaning loosing with having scored zero points) are cencured here.
But the website didn't accept this message.
So I agree with Flavien21CDC.
I'm also in favor of setting to loose a bit the checks with you play with friends (strict checks on by default)
Please note, BGA, that I understand the need for moderation in the chat :)
/Fellow Swedish player that tends to talk about game end conditions and get messages flagged for using our word for "end" which is on the black list.
1) Language moderation should not be enforced between friends. I don't need (neither I want) you to censor what I say to my old good friends and if a new friend I made here is not being nice to me, it takes a minute to unfriend them.
I think this simple change would make a big difference, since probably most of us talk much more with friends than with unknown people.
2) I thing @wentley made a great suggestion.
3) Only English words seems to be triggering the bad language message, which is not optimal. I can't say some words in English but I am allowed to say whatever I want in Spanish? how is that logical?
Allowing a simple opt-in setting of "Disable language filter between friends" would be a pretty straightforward way of addressing this.
and extend:
"Lust haben" means "do you feel like".
"Hast Du Lust auf ein Spiel" just means : "Do you feel like a game".
There is nothing offensive of whatsoever kind.
Just remove the language-filter or make it language-specific. Thanks.
Even Google-translate gets this right.
I pay BGA money and expect to not be treated like a child. If there is a problem with language, then users should report as they feel necessary.
1. English bias in how the warnings are triggered. Many innocent non-English words activate it.
2. Foul language isn't an issue when playing with friends only. The warnings detract from our enjoyment.
3. Allow a global toggle to turn the warnings off everywhere, even in public games (but sure, keep the warnings enabled by default)
4. Dial down the aggressiveness of the words that trigger the warning. Some pretty benign words that trigger it were highlighted here: boardgamearena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12839&start=15
- When does the game end?
- The game ends when the draw deck is depleted.
- Will we have time to play out all the card before the end?
During this discussing we get flagged all the time. I really appreciate the concern for the discussions to stay civil, but as this is a platform with people from all over the world, I find it really irritating that this feature is automated. A manual report-function would be much, much better.
It basically means it has been ignored for almost 3 years.
Imagine running this website with ONLY 4 people.
Sorry pardon my french ( swearing) But what stupid question of course am connected or I couldn't see that daft message asking if am connected lol. But after all I got from others players expelled , no blaming anyone to expelled me as it took so long fir me to show up. But to get bad reputation from BGA, where it was not my fault if was late. It's BGA system slow to many bugs . But BGA always say it work perfectly but it doesn't . So unfair to get reputation in my opinion
It's like, any random suggestions that make things bad, sure.
And a serious problem, nope
in this case "slut" has a complete different meaning in english and swedish
* english: spam word ; meaning = bitch
* swedish: normal word : meaning = final
so in result, the website spam word settings can be updated in that case, that when in the chat there are ONLY friends inside, the spam check should be a possibility to disable by a user-checkbox
I get that it's profanity in English, but it's really freaking me out when drastic measures are announced because I plainly tried to talk about the game.
It was known to be problematic well before BGA came into existence. But in fairness, other sites have historically not dealt with the issue much better. E.g. Pokerstars insists that all chat should be in English and asterisks-out whatever it considers to be an expletive.
The approach taken by Lichess seems to be the right way forward: allow all chat, but alongside each message have a 'report' icon (which on desktop only appears on `hover`); those sanctioned for abusive chat are still allowed to play, but not chat, for a certain period of time.
I don't think people should be banned for using words strategically in game and answering someone else in chat. Plus, as mentioned earlier different words mean different things in different languages.
BGA seems to be able to detect foreign languages, so surely if it notices you are not speaking in English, then it should use a different list of trigger words.
The current system is not fit for purpose, particularly in the context of a site that allows chat in multiple languages.
> Could it be an option. To turn off all monitoring.
Absolutely not. Chat records must be kept, so that if there is a complaint against a player being abusive in the chat, it can be fully investigated. However, those chat records must remain private until any such complaint and investigation is opened, and not be available to anyone not involved in the investigation about that specific complaint. Chat records must not be available to admins on an ad-hoc basis. Due process must be followed.
> I just wish they added an option to turn off the aggressive language warning message in chat.
The warning I saw said it would be flagged up to moderators. I don't think flagging messages to moderators is appropriate for the reasons I've already given, including that privacy should be respected.
If the warning was turned off, you wouldn't know if someone unbeknownst to you was reading your chat.
Until we get AIs intelligent enough we have to have this .. very broken version of "quality control"
I suspect that "did a dumb thing" or "hit" caused the popup, but I'm not sure.
Yeah, this is extremely overzealous/oversensitive/incorrect. The users should have the ability to have a setting where asterisk masking can be enabled instead of warning people for things that don't make sense. It could even be the default setting as long as it can be turned off!
I'm surprised that after ~3 years, this ticket is STILL open and says "bug has not not been reproduced by developers yet" considering the many clear examples of where it has happened.
You look like a horse's bottom.
See, no cursing. So the system in place is badly implemented. The filter should be off. (if children have accounts, they should have parental permission as is.)
There should be a blanket statement when you sign up for an account explaining that this is an international site and language differences may be present. I have seen this on other sites, and once I see that, it's my choice whether or not to proceed with being on the site.
The solution is that there should be a report option on chats somewhere universal. (drop down or under the burger menu in games) This way, if an offensive or insulting action takes place, the chat is saved and a moderator can review it. Don't only give me the option when a "bad" word is used, because, as I have shown above, it doesn't take a curse word for those actions to take place.
You discourage people from communicating on the website by this!
Cela est arrivé lors de la dernière manche.
FOR SERIOUS. Don't like cursing, maybe you should have filters enabled and the rest of us can live our ducking lives like we want.
Whenever I say 'Je suis en r e t a r d pour ...." I get a warning.
Common german phrase: "Hast du Lust ein Spiel zu spielen?"
"Would you like to play a game?"
And it picks up "Lust" as something worthy of censoring and warning people about aggressive behaviour blabla, people missunderstand the message and think you are a creep.
Very nice BGA, very nice.
Innocent words in other languages are getting flagged in English: like "C u m" in Romanian, which means "How". HOW can I ask a question, without using "how"?
And, yes, I don't need moderation with my friends. We should be able to turn this on/ off.
Just to add to the list of examples, in Luxembourgish, you say "Et a s s däin Tuer" to say "It *is* your turn."
So the word "is" is bad...
I was just playing a game with my mom and my sister (only us 3) and I said, "Dumb Game" jokingly because I love the game and lost. BGA asked me if "I was sure the risk of banning was worth the message" and then asked my family in chat if they would like to report me.
My sister has had some people be really horrible to her in Hanobi without using any noticeably bad words, so it doesn't seem like this feature is really helping in the way it's supposed to.
When playing the friends, and chatting in Swedish, it is kind of frustrating to get this warning quite a lot. I mean "end" (but in Swedish) is quite common to use in a chat.
So I think turning of moderation in chats with friends is a good idea, and is quite easy to implement.<
I also think moderation in games chat really could be turned of. If someone is misbehaving, use report system instead. Possibly keep it for "General messages" as that maybe can be assumed to use English.
(Note, there are words in English that are bad words in other languages, so it is almost impossible to do an automatic bad-word notifier.)
As in "Do you like to play another game as well?"
And if you and "then this game ends" it will be "när detta partiet tar slut".
The threads give quite a lot of other examples, from German, French, Romanian, Luxemburgian, etc.
If BGA wants to be an international site, then they should remove this word filtering.
By the way, what is the use of the possibility to make posts here, when none of the BGA responsibles seems to take care of it?
This is the an international site. So most communication is not in mother language. Language culture is different between countries even if they speak the same language, even among dialects in Deutschland, even among groups, even among individuals.
In a game with Españoles and Suramericanos I said "Sois tan malos". I checked "Ihr seid so gemein." with a professional translation program. In Deutsch this is something children say, so grown-ups would certainly never take it serious. I'd translate it "You are so mean", but I don't know if that's considered offensive in all, some or no english speaking countries. And I will not learn until someone tells me. The system warned me, though it didn't seem like the other players cared at all.
I once said to a girl: "Schicker Kitt(e)l" because she was wearing a totally chic jumper. She was deeply offended. While in schwäbisch dialect "Kittl" can be about just any top, in her dialect this is something only cleaning women and house wives used to wear to protect the underneath from the dirt their work commonly goes along with.
In Deutsch "behindert" was always the common word for "handicapped". Now they're trying to make up all kinds of fancy, complicated replacing terms, because some people used "behindert" in an offensive way. I am handicapped and to me "behindert" ist the perfect word, because my disability actually limits, hinders, reduces (as it could be translated) my possibilities permanently. In english the word used to be "retarded". In España today you say "minusvalido" which would have to be translated "inferior", "worth less", "less valid"... that sounds even inhumane. But I think España must be one of the leading countries in inclusion and making public buildings and structures barrier free.
There are countless more examples. It is the words but not the words.
The rule here should be that if someone feels offended or so he tells it to the person he's talking with. We don't need automatic punishments. They lead to numbness, the silly ones make it rediculous and not taken serious anymore. We need to allow us to teach each other to UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER.
@NullAhnung: The problem is, that in forum structures like this with a unordered suit of comments, such problems cannot be worked on (efficiently or at all) . By the way your nick could be read as an insult.
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