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#92864: "Simmetry did not score properly"
fixed: Помилка виправлена
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Правила: правило гри не дотримано
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• Які саме правила були порушені адаптацією гри на BGA
2 matching symbols in red and purple ou in yellow and blue. I respected both conditions but only won one token instead of two• Чи видні порушення правил на повторі гри? Якщо так, на якому кроці?
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Google Chrome v114
Історія звітів
Didule • Розробники ще не відтворили цю помилку:
8 лип 2023 17:02 •
8 лип 2023 20:50 • The problem occured everytime we completed a painting respecting both conditions .
pandarouxdedoudou • Помилка виправлена:
20 сер 2023 0:14 • table #409059899 n°45 symmetry didn't work despite the fact i have the same item in yellow and blue
jordijansen • Помилка виправлена:
20 сер 2023 9:17 • You already scored the maximum ribbons for symmetry with your first two paintings. You can't gain more ribbons if you've reached the max for a scoring card.
Bip Roberts • Помилка виправлена:
16 вер 2023 1:34 • boardgamearena.com/3/canvas?table=415670014
This same problem just happened to me. (Bip Roberts, Gray player). I just scored 2 blue ribbons for symmetry on a single painting. This should have been worth 3 + 6 points, but I only got credit for 3.
This same problem just happened to me. (Bip Roberts, Gray player). I just scored 2 blue ribbons for symmetry on a single painting. This should have been worth 3 + 6 points, but I only got credit for 3.
jordijansen • Помилка виправлена:
16 вер 2023 7:59 • You scored two for that painting and that is correct. You now have 3 total blue ribbons which scores 6 points at the end of the game. If you gain a fourth one (maximum) with your last painting you will gain more points.
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