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Звіти по грі Canosa
#77670: "Canosa not loading on mobile app"
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The loading screen for Canosa would appear, and then black out causing the homescreen app to freeze. No other games were affected.• Який у вас браузер?
Homescreen App on iOS 16.1.2
Історія звітів
16 гру 2022 15:38 •
junibegood • Розробники просять більше інформації, щоб відтворити цю помилку:
17 гру 2022 12:53 • Thanks for your report.
I don't own any Apple device, so I'm not able to reproduce the issue, fixing it might be difficult, unfortunately.
I believe "Homescreen App" is the app you use to launch other apps (including your browser), but not the browser itself. If I'm right, your actual browser is probably Safari, which is the default browser on Apple products.
Safari is known to cause issues with Canosa that don't exist on other browsers (see this one for example : boardgamearena.com/bug?id=67854), and to be quite problematic with some recent web features in general. Any chance you can install Chrome of Firefox and give it a try ?
I don't own any Apple device, so I'm not able to reproduce the issue, fixing it might be difficult, unfortunately.
I believe "Homescreen App" is the app you use to launch other apps (including your browser), but not the browser itself. If I'm right, your actual browser is probably Safari, which is the default browser on Apple products.
Safari is known to cause issues with Canosa that don't exist on other browsers (see this one for example : boardgamearena.com/bug?id=67854), and to be quite problematic with some recent web features in general. Any chance you can install Chrome of Firefox and give it a try ?
juliagulia915 • Розробники просять більше інформації, щоб відтворити цю помилку:
16 лют 2023 9:41 • Same issue on iOS 16.3 Chrome browser. Game takes a while to load, then displays black screen. Or sometimes shows the board briefly before turning black. No other games affected.
juliagulia915 • Розробники просять більше інформації, щоб відтворити цю помилку:
16 лют 2023 9:42 • FYI - table 347248274
junibegood • Розробники підтвердили помилку:
19 бер 2023 17:35 • I was able to try the game on a friend's iPhone 12, with Safari.
The loading screen showed, then went black (not entirely, it looked like a semi-transparent black layer was applied upon it). The progress bar never filled and the game never loaded.
This happened twice, and at the third attempt, the game loaded and could be played normally. Beyond that, the game could also be quit and reloaded normally, the issue never appeared again.
This is similar (but yet clearly different) from what you both experienced. I believe one file (at least) is giving iOS trouble. Once it's loaded once and put in cache, everything is fine.
My guess is on the images, because I didn't see any kind of program error and because I'm using webp image format, which is cool because it's very lightweight, but was created by Google. It wouldn't be a big surprise if Apple didn't put much effort into supporting it...
I'll see if I can find more info about this.
The loading screen showed, then went black (not entirely, it looked like a semi-transparent black layer was applied upon it). The progress bar never filled and the game never loaded.
This happened twice, and at the third attempt, the game loaded and could be played normally. Beyond that, the game could also be quit and reloaded normally, the issue never appeared again.
This is similar (but yet clearly different) from what you both experienced. I believe one file (at least) is giving iOS trouble. Once it's loaded once and put in cache, everything is fine.
My guess is on the images, because I didn't see any kind of program error and because I'm using webp image format, which is cool because it's very lightweight, but was created by Google. It wouldn't be a big surprise if Apple didn't put much effort into supporting it...
I'll see if I can find more info about this.
BigAwesomeApe • Розробники підтвердили помилку:
8 жов 2023 20:13 • Game will not load on iPhone 13 pro running iOS 17.0.3
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