#62907: "in solo mode, could select card, but could not place card. Game had to be abandoned"
Про що цей звіт?
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Детальний опис
• На якому етапі гри виникла проблема (яка була на той момент вказівка в грі)?
Very first turn, I could select the card, but nothing highlighted for placement. Card did not get placed on board despite clicking on appropriate place.
• Що стається, коли ви намагаєтесь зробити ігрову дію (повідомлення про помилку, повідомлення на панелі статусу гри і т.п.)?
No error message. I could reverse the action, but nothing could be placed no matter what card I selected.• Який у вас браузер?
Mozilla v5
Історія звітів
unable to play any cards.
error: You cannot select where to place a casino before choosing its number.
number was chosen. f5 did not solve. cannot play solo mode, picture for reference.
I tried F5 to refresh the page; it had no effect. I tried logging in with a different browser; I could access the game, but had the same experience.
Initial image - imgur.com/a/188Dkdm
Column set wider, card selected - imgur.com/a/dksiXer
Different card selected - imgur.com/a/y0rQpls
I'll leave the game open for a few days in case you see this report in time to see the screen for yourself.
Table #418517298
Move #1
Progression 3%
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