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#60936: "Allow multiple simultaneous trade offers"
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Unless I'm missing something, you can only propose one trade at a time. In a turn-based game, that means proposing "wheat for brick," waiting a day for everyone to say no, then proposing "wood for brick," etc.
The Bohnanza implementation on BGA tries to make trades more bearable by allowing all players to offer as many trades as they want, including on other players' turns. It may be that negotiation just doesn't work well without voice chat, but I think copying Bohnanza's approach would be an improvement.• Який у вас браузер?
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10 бер 2022 21:38 •
thoun • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
11 бер 2022 11:30 • I'm also used to say "wheat or wood for brick" when playing IRL, it would be nice to be able to offer multiple trades so turn based games would be a little faster.
Rykar • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
13 бер 2022 22:27 • this is a great idea. The Bohnanza implementation would make a great model to follow here.
rams1984 • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
15 бер 2022 4:28 • Trade Window needs to have
NA (for Resources not available)
Refuse should be one time without confirmation window.
Refuse all offers.
NA (for Resources not available)
Refuse should be one time without confirmation window.
Refuse all offers.
cksaar • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
17 бер 2022 19:53 • I also would like multiple trades. In the moment the turn based games are too long. I support the idea of rams1984 with a button / an option of NA. It would make the game faster
Ryjaz • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
18 бер 2022 15:53 • i second copying what Bohnanza has done would vastly speed up the game, especially for turn based. It's been painful wtih players spending two turns in a row stating: wood for brick, wheat for brick when what i really want to say is wood or wheat for brick and then allowing the other player to counter saying but i want both of you wood and wheat for my brick.
jpv • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
21 бер 2022 16:56 • Third for copying Bohnanza. It works pretty well.
Or a text based proposal, where you can say what you have and they can propose the matching trade, but that runs into language issues.
Or a text based proposal, where you can say what you have and they can propose the matching trade, but that runs into language issues.
dragon5000 • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
4 кві 2022 21:14 • the Bonanza option is quite good, even though it took some time to understand, but in the end much faster.
right now the trading phase is sometimes quite annoying.
especially if your opponents say they don't want to trade anymore, but you still have some other options to offer
right now the trading phase is sometimes quite annoying.
especially if your opponents say they don't want to trade anymore, but you still have some other options to offer
CinqueRosso • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
7 кві 2022 1:14 • I'm posting my comment from the suggestion that I made for the same improvement. I didn't see this thread at the time.
Both the passive and active players should be able to post a trade so that more communication can be made between each player action. I was reluctant to offer more than 1-2 trades per turn because waiting for responses, mostly declined, slowed the game down. Doing this would allow all players to engage more in trading.
The implementation of trade in bohnanza may be a good place to start.
Without an improvement, or easier faster trade this game will play like Abyss, which is interminable as an asynchronous game.
Both the passive and active players should be able to post a trade so that more communication can be made between each player action. I was reluctant to offer more than 1-2 trades per turn because waiting for responses, mostly declined, slowed the game down. Doing this would allow all players to engage more in trading.
The implementation of trade in bohnanza may be a good place to start.
Without an improvement, or easier faster trade this game will play like Abyss, which is interminable as an asynchronous game.
CinqueRosso • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
7 кві 2022 1:15 • Also posting my (separate) comment for simultaneous trade.
Both the passive and active players should be able to post a trade so that more communication can be made between each player action. I was reluctant to offer more than 1-2 trades per turn because waiting for responses, mostly declined, slowed the game down. Doing this would allow all players to engage more in trading.
The implementation of trade in bohnanza may be a good place to start.
Without an improvement, or easier faster trade this game will play like Abyss, which is interminable as an asynchronous game.
Both the passive and active players should be able to post a trade so that more communication can be made between each player action. I was reluctant to offer more than 1-2 trades per turn because waiting for responses, mostly declined, slowed the game down. Doing this would allow all players to engage more in trading.
The implementation of trade in bohnanza may be a good place to start.
Without an improvement, or easier faster trade this game will play like Abyss, which is interminable as an asynchronous game.
Evilpotatoe • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
22 кві 2022 3:41 • I think we should be able to trade "joker" resources. Like "Any" => "wood/clay" or "wood/sheep" => ore
Btw, buttons to refuse trade per resources or players would be welcome (to our perfect island) too.
Anyway, I'll probably post a 12th "suggestion about trade" to sum all this mess up ^^
Btw, buttons to refuse trade per resources or players would be welcome (to our perfect island) too.
Anyway, I'll probably post a 12th "suggestion about trade" to sum all this mess up ^^
Evilpotatoe • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
22 кві 2022 6:38 • Okay, ended-up posting a summary of the trade threads I found, with a purposal supposed to solve most issues. I hope people will find it relevant boardgamearena.com/bug?id=63323
borisqwertz • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
19 чер 2022 13:13 • Copy from my forum post:
It would be very time saving if we could setup a custom list of trades for turn based games.
Example: 1 brick for a 1 wood. If everyone declines it automatically starts a trade with 2 brick for 1 wood and if everyone declines it automatttically starts my offer with 1 brick and 1 sheep for 1 wood.
An option to auto pass if still everyone declines after that would be the cherry on top of the cake.
It would be very time saving if we could setup a custom list of trades for turn based games.
Example: 1 brick for a 1 wood. If everyone declines it automatically starts a trade with 2 brick for 1 wood and if everyone declines it automatttically starts my offer with 1 brick and 1 sheep for 1 wood.
An option to auto pass if still everyone declines after that would be the cherry on top of the cake.
MrCab • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
13 лип 2022 5:01 • Multiple trade options would be good for speeding up games, though chat could also be useful.
I also read this at first as effective "three way trades", which would also be neat.
I also read this at first as effective "three way trades", which would also be neat.
bankol • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
1 сер 2022 13:19 • Agree, game is focused on trade so it would be a great improvement!
betsys99 • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
14 жов 2022 19:55 • Also suggest an option:
Auto-reject trades when I don't have the material, this would save a lot of time
This would be in addition to 'alert me when X Y Z' is asked for or offered.
Auto-reject trades when I don't have the material, this would save a lot of time
This would be in addition to 'alert me when X Y Z' is asked for or offered.
Chris2960 • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
18 лис 2022 0:46 • Je ne peux pas utiliser 2 cartes au même tour (cartes obtenues aux tours précédents):
par exemple "construction de route" + "prendre 2 ressources"
ou utiliser 2 chevaliers au même tour.
Est-ce normal?
par exemple "construction de route" + "prendre 2 ressources"
ou utiliser 2 chevaliers au même tour.
Est-ce normal?
CinqueRosso • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
26 сер 2023 4:35 • I just realized that my two comments on this improvement are virtually identical.
This is in error.
The first comment, from 22 0406 at 19:14 should have been:
A player that wishes to trade should be able to post multiple offers with the same or different resources so that more trades can be considered by other players without having to post, review, and resolve each trade individually and over many player actions.
This was my original comment in favor of multiple trading offers.
The comment at 19:15 is correct and is my original comment in favor of simultaneous trading.
This should stand, unchanged.
On a related note, its been over a year since Cat an was promoted from beta to live play, why are this and other similar comments are still awaiting analysis by the developers?
Have the developers abandoned the game?
Who are the thousands of people playing this game and do they have an experience similar to a game irl?
I couldn't get past the long waits between offers and the many days that it may take to run through a handful of proposals.
Are all these players much more patient?
Are they playing 8+ turns a day?
I know that this bug doesn't break the game rules, but it seems to be a significant improvement in the playing experience that is valued by scores of players and therefore worth spending time on.
I understand that the developers are volunteers and am grateful for their contribution.
I don't understand why the players' contributions (play, analysis, reporting, and problem solving) remain unacknowledged.
If any player agrees with this bug recommendation, then please up vote it and related recommendations:
And review a summary of these and other trade improvements:
Thank you
This is in error.
The first comment, from 22 0406 at 19:14 should have been:
A player that wishes to trade should be able to post multiple offers with the same or different resources so that more trades can be considered by other players without having to post, review, and resolve each trade individually and over many player actions.
This was my original comment in favor of multiple trading offers.
The comment at 19:15 is correct and is my original comment in favor of simultaneous trading.
This should stand, unchanged.
On a related note, its been over a year since Cat an was promoted from beta to live play, why are this and other similar comments are still awaiting analysis by the developers?
Have the developers abandoned the game?
Who are the thousands of people playing this game and do they have an experience similar to a game irl?
I couldn't get past the long waits between offers and the many days that it may take to run through a handful of proposals.
Are all these players much more patient?
Are they playing 8+ turns a day?
I know that this bug doesn't break the game rules, but it seems to be a significant improvement in the playing experience that is valued by scores of players and therefore worth spending time on.
I understand that the developers are volunteers and am grateful for their contribution.
I don't understand why the players' contributions (play, analysis, reporting, and problem solving) remain unacknowledged.
If any player agrees with this bug recommendation, then please up vote it and related recommendations:
And review a summary of these and other trade improvements:
Thank you
Hulb • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
31 гру 2023 12:50 • I only read the start post, so this may be repeated, but I find the issue is the opposite way round, if everyone offers something / equals your trade, you can "only" accept one of them, even if you could and wanted to accept more, you still can, you just have to go round again and get those other offers up again to accept, you'd think at LEAST you could click accept on as many you wanted then click finish for this trade or something like that
Hollowbody_24 • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
13 гру 2024 20:13 • Really? every game we play 20x times oposite numbers, then where I stay. About this I wrote someting bad on chat, but I didn´t mean that.
Just If I stay 8,6,10 .. we play only 11,7
I stay 10,9,11... we play only 6,7
from 250Elo , 30 games ca. only 100.
and alway win Elo 230, 250, like they are cheating or system prefer numbers, where stay Elo more than, 200
Just If I stay 8,6,10 .. we play only 11,7
I stay 10,9,11... we play only 6,7
from 250Elo , 30 games ca. only 100.
and alway win Elo 230, 250, like they are cheating or system prefer numbers, where stay Elo more than, 200
idjy • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
13 січ 2025 9:38 •
15 січ 2025 9:39 • Maybe allow offer to have the same ressource in demand too?
Because I'm willing to get 1 Wood and 1 Brick, or 1 Wheat and 1 Stone, either offering 1 Wood or 2 Stones.
So I would:
- offer 1 Wood + 2 Stones
- demand 1 Wood + 1 Stone + 1 Brick + 1 Wheat
Just cancel counter-offer with 1 Wood for 1 Wood ^^
Because I'm willing to get 1 Wood and 1 Brick, or 1 Wheat and 1 Stone, either offering 1 Wood or 2 Stones.
So I would:
- offer 1 Wood + 2 Stones
- demand 1 Wood + 1 Stone + 1 Brick + 1 Wheat
Just cancel counter-offer with 1 Wood for 1 Wood ^^
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