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#42673: "Final scoring - point by point reveal"
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I think it'd really add to a thrilling climax of the game if the end scoring table reveals the scores line by line, akin to how the BGA version of Stone Age does it.
At the moment all the scoring just pops up all at once, which is a lot to take in, and also any and all suspense is immediately lost as the winner is immediately revealed. Really think, for such a fantastic game, adding this in would provide a thrilling end to the game. It certainly is a feature I really appreciate in Stone Age.• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v91
Історія звітів
9 чер 2021 17:34 •
slimy_asparagus • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
19 лис 2022 22:53 • Deus handles this well. It gives you a breakdown of what contributed to each player's score.
dollarone • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
24 лют 2025 9:14 • Totally agree. Not only would it be more exciting, it would also be more transparent to point out exactly what was scored (settlements, contracts, points) - currently you just get a lump sum and that's it.
Also would be good to have a line in the log every time you get points from the "total resource" track (ideally this should be displayed somewhere in the UI - I think it's crazy that it's missing)
Also would be good to have a line in the log every time you get points from the "total resource" track (ideally this should be displayed somewhere in the UI - I think it's crazy that it's missing)
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