#40743: "Pathfinder sandals"
Про що цей звіт?
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Детальний опис
• Яку ігрову дію ви намагалися виконати?
The pathfinder sandal card does not move your archeologist to a first level spot• Що ви намагались зробити, щоб активувати цю ігрову дію?
I try to move the archeologist to a first level spot but nothing happens• Що сталося, коли Ви намагалися виконати цю дію (текст помилки, статус на панелі повідомлень, ...)?
It is stucked• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v90
Історія звітів
Table: 219895604
Move 197 ish
Not a bug.
Action states to "Select space to relocate from"
Select the double tomes camp site my worker is on.
Game states "You must select space to relocate to"
Select the arrow camp site which has no other workers on it.
Game states "You don't have arch at the location you are trying to move from"
Then when selecting the double tomes site where my worker is the game states "No open location"
Appears that the game doesn't let you move between camp sites.
Yellow player attempting to play "Pathfinder's Sandals"
Select a placed archaeologist on a level one discovered dig side
Game asks "you must select space to relocate to"
Selecting space 5 on the bottom, discard a card for a red jewel.
3 cards currently in hand
Game states "not enough tablet."
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