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Звіти по грі Sneferu: Builders of the Pyramids
#162061: "Display of chosen stone"
implemented: Цю пропозицiю реалізували
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Пропозиція: на мою думку, наступне значно покращить реалізацію гри
Детальний опис
• Будь ласка, поясніть вашу пропозицію точно й лаконічно, щоб було якомога легше зрозуміти, що ви маєте на увазі.
I suggest to highlight the chosen stone in the offer board more obviously. Like now it is very hard to recognize which one is chosen as the colour only changes very slightly.
AND it would also be very helpful to get a message directly after chosen a stone if a player has not enough resources to buy it - mention which resource is lacking. At the moment you get the message at the end of your turn when trying to confirm... time wasted.• Який у вас браузер?
Mozilla v5
Історія звітів
20 бер 2025 23:52 •
BoltKey • Цю пропозицiю реалізували:
21 бер 2025 12:16 • Thanks for your suggestions. Good point about the selected tile. I adjusted it so selected tile has pulsing outline.
For the second suggestion, I don't think that's feasible. Placing each stone is a single turn, and is only sent to the server after confirming. It would mean too much logic duplication for client and server I am worried.
For the second suggestion, I don't think that's feasible. Placing each stone is a single turn, and is only sent to the server after confirming. It would mean too much logic duplication for client and server I am worried.
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