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Звіти по грі Great Western Trail: El Paso
#161485: "screen scale slider is limited too much"
Про що цей звіт?
Що трапилося? Будь ласка, виберіть нижче
Пропозиція: на мою думку, наступне значно покращить реалізацію гри
Детальний опис
• Будь ласка, поясніть вашу пропозицію точно й лаконічно, щоб було якомога легше зрозуміти, що ви маєте на увазі.
When playing on a screen with 21:9 aspect ratio the scale slider has a minimum value that is far from being perfect.
When using the mimimum value on 16:9 with full screen I can see the map + my personal stuff.
When using the minimum value on 21:9 I cannot even see the full map. To see the full map or more I need to make the window more narrow resulting in losing vertical space due to not using full screen.
Allow scales far below 77 to make the game better playable on screens with aspect ratio of 21:9 or even wider.
Two more side notes:
1. the slider does have a tool tip that doesn't make much sense. Could be removed or better replaced with a description of the function.
2. behind the word "scale" there is a hardcoded colon behind a space resulting in: "Scale :". In some languages (i.e. German) the space is not correct. So please include the colon into the string for translation.• Який у вас браузер?
Історія звітів
15 бер 2025 11:07 •
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