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Звіти по грі Garden Rush
#152250: "Do not show bonus tools info if we haven't selected them."
implemented: Цю пропозицiю реалізували
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Пропозиція: на мою думку, наступне значно покращить реалізацію гри
Детальний опис
• Будь ласка, поясніть вашу пропозицію точно й лаконічно, щоб було якомога легше зрозуміти, що ви маєте на увазі.
If we haven't selected the bonus tools, presented them below the board is overloading the player with info.
I think we should only be shown the info of the tools that might be in the game with the current choices.
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Mozilla v5
Історія звітів
7 січ 2025 5:34 •
Thomas • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
21 бер 2025 23:39 • I second this.
When creating a table with option "Bonus Tools" disabled (i.e. Bonus Tools are not played), it is confusion to see many more tools. Take in mind, the playing the game for the first time / learning the game, only relevant information should be displayed. Beginner will often play without the bonus tools, so please consider hiding information about tools that are not part of the current table.
When creating a table with option "Bonus Tools" disabled (i.e. Bonus Tools are not played), it is confusion to see many more tools. Take in mind, the playing the game for the first time / learning the game, only relevant information should be displayed. Beginner will often play without the bonus tools, so please consider hiding information about tools that are not part of the current table.
whataboutki • Цю пропозицію розробники ще не проаналізували:
22 бер 2025 23:15 •
23 бер 2025 9:15 • AH yes I see. Having the extra tools not visible at the bottom of the screen if we aren't playing with them is a good idea.
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