#144620: "Log doesn't include the last turn of a game"
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Replay log currently doesn't seem to include choices made in the last turn of the game.
It is not really a big issue, though it may be a little bit confusing when checking results of a match.
As happened also on our table #585276496, because after we finished, coronatuesdays' route was initially shown going through ES, which was empty (too bad I didn't make a screenshot at time), and ES was also not mentioned as being crossed in the log.
So I have checked just for sure also the replay, and its endgame position indeed showed nr. 73 on ES, which made this country a valid one for the route.
I then remembered, that it must have been crossed in the very last turn of the game, as we had there a 37/73 combination. So the log seems to show only the last turn warning, and then skipping directly to results, without showing choices made on the last turn.
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Google Chrome v130
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