#13717: "Buchanan can not select second contract"
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Детальний опис
• Яку ігрову дію ви намагалися виконати?
Select a second contract from the public pool for Clan Buchanan• Що ви намагались зробити, щоб активувати цю ігрову дію?
Select a contract• Що сталося, коли Ви намагалися виконати цю дію (текст помилки, статус на панелі повідомлень, ...)?
I selected a contract, confirmed, and then my turn ended. Reading through the forums, I realize now that I probably had the option to select two contracts at once. I assumed that after taking one that I would have a chance for a second contract, because this is a choice when you are able to fulfill more than one contract.
Please note that this bug was reported as fixed (#13364) but it just happened to me today (Oct 16).• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v77
Історія звітів
Had the same issue.
Wanted a second contract, but only got one.
This will cost me the game. Please undo my turn!
Can you explain in detail the 'action', the 'problem'. I tried to reproduce it, but I failed. So I can fix it.
The problem was that You cannot select more than one contract in the top bar?
As Clan Buchanan, the game does not allow 2 contracts to be taken in a single action
Zug #152
Fortschritt 68%
As Clan Buchanan, the game does not allow 2 contracts to be taken in a single action.
@bartoleo: Viewing your image, you did not try the "normal" contract action, but the bonus one after having built the fourth (cheese/bread/whisk(e)y)-factory.
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