#115882: "Add Faction Bans / Fast Auction or Both"
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• Будь ласка, скопіюйте/вставте повідомлення про помилку, якщо ви бачите якесь на своєму екрані.
Terra Nova is an incredibly balanced game. I do believe it has by far the best balance in this family of games, however it can always get better.
My suggestion is to do one of 3 things as options in the game:
1. Implement faction bans in player order (in planner variant those go after the initial placement of neutral faction)
2. Gaia project style fast auction
3. Both
I know the rules for that are not in the rulebook, but neither are there in the Gaia Project and yet they are available on the website. The birthplace of that options was a request like this one, so hopefully we can get this done. Link to Gaia Project request: boardgamearena.com/bug?id=52587 and relevant information after it has been implemented:
"Happy Saturday morning. We've completed the implementation of new features that include banning, drafting, and auctions. We've also been in touch with the publisher to receive approval of these optional features.[..]"
I do believe fast auction would be more suited to the game than the standard Terra Mystica style auction.
We've played dozens of in house games with bans between top players and it works really, really well. Auction has been tried & tested for a long time in other games and bans have been tried & tested in Gaia Project.• Будь ласка, опишіть, що ви намагалися зробити, що зробили, та що трапилось
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Google Chrome v121
• Будь ласка, скопіюйте/вставте текст відображений англійською замість вашої мови. Якщо ви маєте знімок екрана з помилкою (рекомендована практика), то можете використати Imgur.com, щоб завантажити його, та скопіювати посилання на нього сюди.
Terra Nova is an incredibly balanced game. I do believe it has by far the best balance in this family of games, however it can always get better.
My suggestion is to do one of 3 things as options in the game:
1. Implement faction bans in player order (in planner variant those go after the initial placement of neutral faction)
2. Gaia project style fast auction
3. Both
I know the rules for that are not in the rulebook, but neither are there in the Gaia Project and yet they are available on the website. The birthplace of that options was a request like this one, so hopefully we can get this done. Link to Gaia Project request: boardgamearena.com/bug?id=52587 and relevant information after it has been implemented:
"Happy Saturday morning. We've completed the implementation of new features that include banning, drafting, and auctions. We've also been in touch with the publisher to receive approval of these optional features.[..]"
I do believe fast auction would be more suited to the game than the standard Terra Mystica style auction.
We've played dozens of in house games with bans between top players and it works really, really well. Auction has been tried & tested for a long time in other games and bans have been tried & tested in Gaia Project.• Чи цей текст доступний у системі перекладів? Якщо так, то чи перекладали його понад 24 години тому?
• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v121
• Будь ласка, поясніть вашу пропозицію точно й лаконічно, щоб було якомога легше зрозуміти, що ви маєте на увазі.
Terra Nova is an incredibly balanced game. I do believe it has by far the best balance in this family of games, however it can always get better.
My suggestion is to do one of 3 things as options in the game:
1. Implement faction bans in player order (in planner variant those go after the initial placement of neutral faction)
2. Gaia project style fast auction
3. Both
I know the rules for that are not in the rulebook, but neither are there in the Gaia Project and yet they are available on the website. The birthplace of that options was a request like this one, so hopefully we can get this done. Link to Gaia Project request: boardgamearena.com/bug?id=52587 and relevant information after it has been implemented:
"Happy Saturday morning. We've completed the implementation of new features that include banning, drafting, and auctions. We've also been in touch with the publisher to receive approval of these optional features.[..]"
I do believe fast auction would be more suited to the game than the standard Terra Mystica style auction.
We've played dozens of in house games with bans between top players and it works really, really well. Auction has been tried & tested for a long time in other games and bans have been tried & tested in Gaia Project.• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v121
• Що було на екрані до того, як ваша гра заблокувалася (Порожній екран? Частина ігрового інтерфейсу? Повідомлення про помилку?)
Terra Nova is an incredibly balanced game. I do believe it has by far the best balance in this family of games, however it can always get better.
My suggestion is to do one of 3 things as options in the game:
1. Implement faction bans in player order (in planner variant those go after the initial placement of neutral faction)
2. Gaia project style fast auction
3. Both
I know the rules for that are not in the rulebook, but neither are there in the Gaia Project and yet they are available on the website. The birthplace of that options was a request like this one, so hopefully we can get this done. Link to Gaia Project request: boardgamearena.com/bug?id=52587 and relevant information after it has been implemented:
"Happy Saturday morning. We've completed the implementation of new features that include banning, drafting, and auctions. We've also been in touch with the publisher to receive approval of these optional features.[..]"
I do believe fast auction would be more suited to the game than the standard Terra Mystica style auction.
We've played dozens of in house games with bans between top players and it works really, really well. Auction has been tried & tested for a long time in other games and bans have been tried & tested in Gaia Project.• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v121
• Які саме правила були порушені адаптацією гри на BGA
Terra Nova is an incredibly balanced game. I do believe it has by far the best balance in this family of games, however it can always get better.
My suggestion is to do one of 3 things as options in the game:
1. Implement faction bans in player order (in planner variant those go after the initial placement of neutral faction)
2. Gaia project style fast auction
3. Both
I know the rules for that are not in the rulebook, but neither are there in the Gaia Project and yet they are available on the website. The birthplace of that options was a request like this one, so hopefully we can get this done. Link to Gaia Project request: boardgamearena.com/bug?id=52587 and relevant information after it has been implemented:
"Happy Saturday morning. We've completed the implementation of new features that include banning, drafting, and auctions. We've also been in touch with the publisher to receive approval of these optional features.[..]"
I do believe fast auction would be more suited to the game than the standard Terra Mystica style auction.
We've played dozens of in house games with bans between top players and it works really, really well. Auction has been tried & tested for a long time in other games and bans have been tried & tested in Gaia Project.• Чи видні порушення правил на повторі гри? Якщо так, на якому кроці?
• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v121
• Яку ігрову дію ви намагалися виконати?
Terra Nova is an incredibly balanced game. I do believe it has by far the best balance in this family of games, however it can always get better.
My suggestion is to do one of 3 things as options in the game:
1. Implement faction bans in player order (in planner variant those go after the initial placement of neutral faction)
2. Gaia project style fast auction
3. Both
I know the rules for that are not in the rulebook, but neither are there in the Gaia Project and yet they are available on the website. The birthplace of that options was a request like this one, so hopefully we can get this done. Link to Gaia Project request: boardgamearena.com/bug?id=52587 and relevant information after it has been implemented:
"Happy Saturday morning. We've completed the implementation of new features that include banning, drafting, and auctions. We've also been in touch with the publisher to receive approval of these optional features.[..]"
I do believe fast auction would be more suited to the game than the standard Terra Mystica style auction.
We've played dozens of in house games with bans between top players and it works really, really well. Auction has been tried & tested for a long time in other games and bans have been tried & tested in Gaia Project.• Що ви намагались зробити, щоб активувати цю ігрову дію?
• Що сталося, коли Ви намагалися виконати цю дію (текст помилки, статус на панелі повідомлень, ...)?
• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v121
• На якому етапі гри виникла проблема (яка була на той момент вказівка в грі)?
Terra Nova is an incredibly balanced game. I do believe it has by far the best balance in this family of games, however it can always get better.
My suggestion is to do one of 3 things as options in the game:
1. Implement faction bans in player order (in planner variant those go after the initial placement of neutral faction)
2. Gaia project style fast auction
3. Both
I know the rules for that are not in the rulebook, but neither are there in the Gaia Project and yet they are available on the website. The birthplace of that options was a request like this one, so hopefully we can get this done. Link to Gaia Project request: boardgamearena.com/bug?id=52587 and relevant information after it has been implemented:
"Happy Saturday morning. We've completed the implementation of new features that include banning, drafting, and auctions. We've also been in touch with the publisher to receive approval of these optional features.[..]"
I do believe fast auction would be more suited to the game than the standard Terra Mystica style auction.
We've played dozens of in house games with bans between top players and it works really, really well. Auction has been tried & tested for a long time in other games and bans have been tried & tested in Gaia Project.• Що стається, коли ви намагаєтесь зробити ігрову дію (повідомлення про помилку, повідомлення на панелі статусу гри і т.п.)?
• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v121
• Будь ласка, опишіть візуальну помилку. Якщо ви маєте знімок екрана з помилкою (рекомендована практика), то можете використати Imgur.com, щоб завантажити його, та скопіювати посилання на нього сюди.
Terra Nova is an incredibly balanced game. I do believe it has by far the best balance in this family of games, however it can always get better.
My suggestion is to do one of 3 things as options in the game:
1. Implement faction bans in player order (in planner variant those go after the initial placement of neutral faction)
2. Gaia project style fast auction
3. Both
I know the rules for that are not in the rulebook, but neither are there in the Gaia Project and yet they are available on the website. The birthplace of that options was a request like this one, so hopefully we can get this done. Link to Gaia Project request: boardgamearena.com/bug?id=52587 and relevant information after it has been implemented:
"Happy Saturday morning. We've completed the implementation of new features that include banning, drafting, and auctions. We've also been in touch with the publisher to receive approval of these optional features.[..]"
I do believe fast auction would be more suited to the game than the standard Terra Mystica style auction.
We've played dozens of in house games with bans between top players and it works really, really well. Auction has been tried & tested for a long time in other games and bans have been tried & tested in Gaia Project.• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v121
• Будь ласка, скопіюйте/вставте текст відображений англійською замість вашої мови. Якщо ви маєте знімок екрана з помилкою (рекомендована практика), то можете використати Imgur.com, щоб завантажити його, та скопіювати посилання на нього сюди.
Terra Nova is an incredibly balanced game. I do believe it has by far the best balance in this family of games, however it can always get better.
My suggestion is to do one of 3 things as options in the game:
1. Implement faction bans in player order (in planner variant those go after the initial placement of neutral faction)
2. Gaia project style fast auction
3. Both
I know the rules for that are not in the rulebook, but neither are there in the Gaia Project and yet they are available on the website. The birthplace of that options was a request like this one, so hopefully we can get this done. Link to Gaia Project request: boardgamearena.com/bug?id=52587 and relevant information after it has been implemented:
"Happy Saturday morning. We've completed the implementation of new features that include banning, drafting, and auctions. We've also been in touch with the publisher to receive approval of these optional features.[..]"
I do believe fast auction would be more suited to the game than the standard Terra Mystica style auction.
We've played dozens of in house games with bans between top players and it works really, really well. Auction has been tried & tested for a long time in other games and bans have been tried & tested in Gaia Project.• Чи цей текст доступний у системі перекладів? Якщо так, то чи перекладали його понад 24 години тому?
• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v121
• Будь ласка, поясніть вашу пропозицію точно й лаконічно, щоб було якомога легше зрозуміти, що ви маєте на увазі.
Terra Nova is an incredibly balanced game. I do believe it has by far the best balance in this family of games, however it can always get better.
My suggestion is to do one of 3 things as options in the game:
1. Implement faction bans in player order (in planner variant those go after the initial placement of neutral faction)
2. Gaia project style fast auction
3. Both
I know the rules for that are not in the rulebook, but neither are there in the Gaia Project and yet they are available on the website. The birthplace of that options was a request like this one, so hopefully we can get this done. Link to Gaia Project request: boardgamearena.com/bug?id=52587 and relevant information after it has been implemented:
"Happy Saturday morning. We've completed the implementation of new features that include banning, drafting, and auctions. We've also been in touch with the publisher to receive approval of these optional features.[..]"
I do believe fast auction would be more suited to the game than the standard Terra Mystica style auction.
We've played dozens of in house games with bans between top players and it works really, really well. Auction has been tried & tested for a long time in other games and bans have been tried & tested in Gaia Project.• Який у вас браузер?
Google Chrome v121
Історія звітів
Thanks to the developers for their hard work so far on this stellar implementation, my wish is to only get this even better so more people can enjoy this great game and it can get the respect it deserves! :)
boardgamearena.com/table?table=485203548 (-5 for the winner Inventors)
boardgamearena.com/table?table=485207151 (-3 for the winner Sand Cats)
I have plenty of replays for the bans as well if needed, played against top players.
It's having 0, 1 or 2 opponents playing an adjacent color.
So I don't think that the TM auction is actually the best to balance as you are bidding without necessarily knowing how many adjacent colors will be played to each of the popular factions.
So I would prefer that the colors to be played are chosen randomly (1 per player) and then players bid for those colors. And I guess we might as well link turn order with the faction.
This way, you know how difficult it will be to get those territories for each faction.
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